
Top 10 practical productivity hacks for remote workers

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These tips will help you improve your productivity.Here are some tips to improve your productivity. Credit: Meta AI

Remote jobs are done off-site at the employee's convenient location, outside of corporate offices. 

Remote jobs help to improve work-life balance and promote flexibility. They also help employees save time and costs, such as transport expenses, and prevent overcrowding in the workspace.

There are instances where the Employers of the Human Resource Department of the Company will demand that an employee work from home. For instance, pregnant women can be considered to work remotely, health issues, global safety (During COVID-19, workers were restricted to work from home), and the nature of the job.

Nevertheless, notwithstanding the flexibility and nature of remote work, employers still demand high productivity from workers. Sometimes, remote workers find it challenging to be productive while working remotely as there are many distractions. 

These 10 productivity hacks will help you maintain your world-space energy even when you are not physically present with other co-workers or your employer.

10 productivity hacks for remote workers

TheRadar put together 10 productivity hacks for remote workers.

1. Create a dedicated workspace

Creating a workspace in your ‘Work from home’ keeps you focused and productive. This implies that you have a set location at your place where you have designated for working.

This is to prevent distractions from other home-sharers or other activities that might interrupt with your work.

You can set up the space with ergonomic office equipment like chair, table, laptop, notepad, writing materials, and other working materials in the place. 

Also, be careful to choose the right and most comfortable workspace for your nature of work. You can decorate the workspace area with lively colours.

2. Create a time slot 

A time slot is used to assign time to each of the tasks you want to do on that particular day. This also includes the meetings you have to attend.

For instance, if you have 3 designs to work on for a day as a Brand Identity Designer for a particular company and you are expected to deliver it latest 6pm everyday, you can schedule time for each of the designs.

For example, 9am-12pm (Logo Design), 12pm-1pm (Rest), 1pm-3pm (Advertisement flier), 3pm-5pm (Content design). This implies that you have scheduled your time to complete your tasks for the day by 5pm which is before the deadline. There is a big flex in knowing what you should be doing at a particular time. It keeps you focused and productive.

3. Use the ‘Do not disturb’ on your gadgets 

Working remotely denotes the use of technological gadgets such as smartphones and laptops to carry out your work. This is one of the advantages of technology, introduced to the workspace.

However, remote workers must be careful because these computers have multiple functions aside from workspace functions. One of the ways to shut distractions on your device is turning on the ‘Do not disturb’ whenever you are working in order to keep you focused and help you stick to the time you have allocated to the task.

4. Take a break after each task 

Taking a break after each of the tasks you have assigned for the day keeps you energised and rejuvenated. Working for long hours without a break can bore you out and make you less productive. 

Taking a short break keeps you refreshed. You have more motivation to continue with other tasks you need to do for the day. You can take a short walk, exercise, connect with friends and families, watch a movie or read a movie during the break.

5. Actively take note of the feedback from your employer and clients

You should pay attention to the reviews and remarks you get from your boss, employer and boss. It allows you to know what you are doing best and what you can work on. This boosts productivity even while working remotely.

6. Practice effective communication 

Working remotely should not stop you from communicating effectively with your line manager, boss, team and clients. Technology has made it easier to communicate online while creating a professional and seamless atmosphere.

You can use asynchronous communication tools like emails, Zoom, Google meet, Slack, project management software, video recording, cloud collaboration tools, etc.

Solid communication remains a key way to stay updated with relevant information and be productive in remote works.

7. Use secured WiFi networks and online tools

You must be careful that your productivity is not hindered by cyberattacks and online platforms as you work from home. Ensure to verify the online tools you use to ensure they are safe for working. It helps to reduce stress and manage time effectively. 

8. Keep updated with industry trends 

You should not hide under the carpet of ‘I am working remotely, I can just work anyhow.’ You have to do the work like you are on-site, and one of the ways to do this is by staying updated primarily with the company you work with and then having knowledge of what is going on in industries and the labour market.

This improves your efficiency and productivity as you have the necessary information to stay abreast and perform optimally.

9. Get healthy snacks

Another productive hack is to get some healthy snacks to aid your work. Snacks keep your mouth productive, especially when munching your favourite snacks. They also keep you from sleeping or dozing while at work. Ensure you do not eat a snack that will make you sleepy.

10. Ensure you have enough sleep/rest

Rest is very important to scale up your productivity rate. Get enough sleep before your work hours to avoid dozing off while at work. Medical experts recommend at least 7-9 hours of sleep every day for adults.

Top 10 products to consider for your online business

Meanwhile, TheRadar previously reported the top 10 products to consider if you want to start an online business considering that the world is now digital and e-commerce-oriented.

Despite the trend, not everything sells online. Before starting a business, it is important to know what you can sell online.

The top 10 products you can consider for your online business include vitamins and supplements, skincare, makeup products and tools, perfumes and colognes, phone accessories, wrist watches, jewellery and clothes, and kitchenware and home appliances. 

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Omolade TolaAdmin

Omolade Tola is a Freelance Writer with over 5 years experience of creating unique and creative contents on various subjects. She is currently a Freelance writer at Theradar.

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