
TheRadar Kitchen: How to prepare ofada rice and ayamase sauce

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Step-by-step guide on how to prepare ofada rice and ayamase sauce
Here is how to prepare ofada rice and ayamase sauce | Credit: Sisi Jemimah
  • Ofada rice and ayamase sauce is a Nigerian delicacy common among the Ijebu people in Ogun State
  • The green pepper-based Aaamase sauce is famous for its spicy and savoury taste that complements the unique taste of the rice
  • Here is the step-by-step guide on how to prepare this delicacy

If you want to explore a comforting dish that blends bold and rich flavours, ofada rice and ayamase sauce is a must-try. This Nigerian delicacy is a staple from the Ijebu people of Ogun State. Ofada rice is a variety of unpolished rice, with a distinct earthy aroma and slightly sticky texture. 

When paired with ayamase, also known as “designer stew,” it creates a mouthwatering combination. The green pepper-based ayamase sauce is famous for its spicy, savoury taste that complements the unique taste of the rice. Here’s how to make this authentic dish right from your kitchen.

Step-by-step guide on how to prepare ofada rice and ayamase sauce

Ingredients for the Ofada Rice:

  • 2 cups Ofada rice 
  • 6-8 cups water
  • Salt (to taste)

Ingredients for the Ayamase Sauce (Designer Stew):

  • 6-8 green bell peppers 
  • 5-6 green scotch bonnet peppers
  • 1 large onion
  • 1-2 tablespoons locust beans 
  • 1 cup palm oil
  • 6-8 boiled eggs
  • 1/2 kg assorted meats (shaki, pomo, beef, etc.)
  • 1/2 cup crayfish 
  • Seasoning cubes and salt to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground Cameroon pepper (for extra heat, optional)


Preparing the ofada rice:

  • Rinse the rice thoroughly

Ofada rice contains a bit of particles, so be sure to rinse it well. Soak it in water for about 20-30 minutes to remove excess starch.

  • Parboil the rice 

Boil 6-8 cups of water in a pot and pour in the rice. Let it cook for 10 minutes, then drain and rinse again. This helps soften the rice and remove some of the starchy content.

  • Cook the rice 

In the same pot, boil water,  pour the parboiled rice into the water and allow it to cook until tender. Add salt to taste once the rice is almost ready. Once done, drain any excess water and set aside.

Making the Ayamase Sauce:

  • Blend the peppers

Roughly blend the green bell peppers, scotch bonnet peppers, and half of the onion. The mixture should be slightly coarse, not smooth, to give the sauce its unique texture.

  • Bleach the palm oil

In a large pot, heat up the palm oil on low heat for about 8-10 minutes until it turns a golden, translucent colour. This is called bleaching. Be careful and keep the kitchen well-ventilated during this step as it can get smoky. Once the oil is ready, allow it to cool slightly.

  • Fry the blended pepper mix

Add the chopped onion and locust beans, and let it fry for a bit. Pour the pepper mix into the pot and stir. Fry for about 15-20 minutes, or until the oil begins to separate from the pepper mix.

  • Add the assorted meats

Add your pre-boiled assorted meats (shaki, pomo, beef) into the sauce and stir well. Fry for another 10 minutes, allowing the meats to absorb the flavour of the sauce.

  • Season

Add the crayfish, seasoning cubes, salt, and ground Cameroon pepper. Stir everything together, and adjust the seasoning to suit your taste.

  • Add boiled eggs

Add the boiled eggs to the sauce now and allow them to simmer in the sauce for an additional five minutes.

  • Serve

Serve your Ofada rice on banana leaves for a traditional touch if available, and pour a generous amount of ayamase sauce over it. This dish is best enjoyed with a cool drink to balance out the spicy heat. Enjoy!

TheRadar Kitchen: How to prepare Goat Meat Pepper Soup

Meanwhile, TheRadar earlier reported on the recipe for Goat Meat Pepper Soup, a beloved Nigerian dish that is known for its spicy and savoury taste.

It has also been known to help with postpartum recovery because it is packed with healing properties, providing nourishment and energy to new mothers.

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Funmilayo Aremu-Olayemi Admin

Funmilayo Aremu-Olayemi is a reporter with over four years of experience. She covers a wide range of beats, such as health, lifestyle, and human-angle stories. Her work has been published in the Nigerian Tribune and Elegantz Magazine, USA.

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